Season of the witch-Samhain oracle

Season of the witch-Samhain oracle

Sale Price:$17.99 Original Price:$21.95

The cards are broken up into three sections – the witch familiars, the witch tools and the Samhain – and are arranged in alphabetical order to make finding your cards quick and easy. We have also included a number of reading spells made specifically for this deck, although you can certainly use them with other cards. Each card includes an original poem written by Juliet. These poems can be used in your spells, rituals, potion making and meditations as an invocation to call in the energy of each card. You will also find key terms, a bit of information about the card and card meanings for both their upright and reverse positions.

Finally, you will find many cards contain additional information and some have spells. This information is to further support you in your pursuit of working with Samhain energy.

A look into the pack…

Candle Magic

Speak your breath into its velvet, recite along its spine all that you desire, all that which will unravel.

There are few spells that are complete without a candle or two or ten. Candles make the setting of a spell more magical and also play an essential role in a spell. Candles carry our intentions out into the universe; they pull in our words and prayers along their spines and send them out through the tips of their flames.


Uncaging the spirit within thou the fertile power you hold. To taste your buttery velvet upon tongue is a gift I shall cherish each day that comes.


Hello, beloved witch. You are the center of this card. Your energy. Your strength. Your wisdom. A witch taps into the healing powers of the Earth and the wisdom of the powers that be as well as the energy within us all. A witch can move energy to create any life of choice. A witch knows how to see signs in everything around her. A witch uses her potions and spells to give healing and hope to all who seek her guidance, using her gifts for the good of all, to heal and nourish.

How to Use the Cards

A reading card spread is a curation of questions that can help you to gain clarity about a particular person or situation. They are helpful for readers who are new to card divination, but are also helpful for those of you who are unfamiliar with making your own spreads or need a little help deciding which questions to ask.

Make sure to read your cards in a quiet space so that you are not distracted and can easily connect with spiritual energy and your intuition. You may wish to light candles or incense, to place crystals in front of your reading space or to use any other enhancement of your choosing. Readings should be comfortable and easy.

To begin, take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Bring your situation to mind then begin to shuffle your cards. Using your intuition, lay out the required number of cards face down. Now turn each of the cards over and read the card description.


Product Description

Samhain is one of the most enigmatic and magical nights of the year for performing divination, rituals, and spells. Our ancestors have known this for centuries, taking advantage of the night's potent energy to gain clear insight into the past, present, and future.

What if every day were Halloween? Experience the clarity and electric energies of this sacred night all year long with the chilling Samhain Oracle. Each card connects you to the spirit realm to bring healing, understanding, protection, and guidance from the other side into everyday life. Discover the banshee's wrath, meet your sacred animal familiar, greet the nature spirits, or visit the graveyard with your coven to seek protection in the witching hour. The cards hold truth and unlock your intuition to find the answers to your heart's hidden desires.

This beautifully designed and illustrated book and 44 card deck set will connect you to the spirit realm to bring healing, understanding, protection and guidance. Original poetry from Juliet Diaz works as invocations for magic and ritual while intuitive guidance from Lorriane Anderson will take you through your personal readings. Finally the beautiful artwork of Giada Rose will transport you to new worlds. Unlock the secret insights with spells and recipes to make the most of Samhain energy!

About the Author

Lorriane Anderson is a tarot reader, astrologer, spiritual teacher, writer, and soul-based entrepreneur. Her work focuses heavily on sacred and intentional living as well as using spiritual practices as a pathway for profound healing, growth, and transformation. She is heavily influenced by her diverse lineage, bringing together healing practices from her ancestors in a practical, updated way. She owns and operates Spirit Element, a soul-based apothecary that provides private label development and supplies for spiritual-based businesses; and The Practice of Self, a school for magic. Her published works include Seasons of the Witch –Samhain Oracle, Affirmations: Words of Inner Wisdom, and The Earthcraft Oracle. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. Instagram @spiritelement Instagram @thepracticeofself

Juliet Diaz is an Indigenous Taino Cubana from a long line of curanderos (healers) and brujas on both sides of her parents’ lineages and is a bohuiti (healer) of her tribe, Higuayagua. She believes magic lives within us all and feels passionately a

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