How To Use Sage To Remove Bad Vibes
Burn sage to cleanse your space of any unwanted vibes. Cleanse yourself and your space often.
Smudging is a sacred practice that dates back thousands of years.
Cultures around the world believed that when you come into contact with a person or environment, their energy can linger around, and even attach to you.
Burning sage clears away any bad vibes, and invites a peace and relaxation.
Using Sage in your home is easy!
Things You’ll Need
Sage Stick
A fireproof bowl or Seashell
First, make sure you open the windows and doors. Traditionally, it is believed that if you don’t open the windows and doors, the bad energy won’t be able to leave! So crack a window or two!
Pray, Meditate, and Visualize
Set your intention to purify yourself and your space of any bad vibes.
Light your Sage stick, and simply wave it around in a circular motion in front of you and behind you to cleanse yourself.
Next, wave it in a circular motion around the room.
You can smudge objects, your bed, the walls, chairs — anything you feel could use cleansing.
Intuition Is Key
You will intuitively know when you are done, and at that time you should go ahead and put out the burning sage.
You can extinguish your sage by rubbing it in dirt, sand, on concrete, or stamping it out in a ceramic bowl.
Whatever you do, just don’t put sticks out in water—you won’t be able to use them again.
When you are done, give thanks and fill your space with love by praying playing some happy music, or even using a singing bowl.
For safety reasons, do not leave the sage burning unattended.
Thank you for reading! We hope this gives you a good idea of how to properly sage your space to get rid of any bad vibes! If you’re in Philly, come down to Harry’s World on South Street to get the BEST deals on Sage and other smudge sticks!