Ceremonial Magic Guide for Beginners

Ceremonial Magic Guide for Beginners


There are many systems that have been developed throughout the ages that teach people on how to control one’s thoughts in order to achieve anything in life, one of which is the art of Ceremonial Magic. Occult magic is one of the oldest systems that studies psychic forces by using mental training, a system of symbols, and concentration to connect with the inner self, and ‘program’ the mind. Its main purpose is to alter one’s self, and the environment according to one’s will. 

This book will provide you with information about the ancient system of ceremonial magic. You’ll get an overview of how the system works, why it is important, the different elements and forces, the basic rituals, and everything related to it. Once you learned how to become aware of your subconscious, it’ll be easier for you to control your conscious mind and surroundings. Be truly amazed about what the mind can do! Let the magic begin!

Ceremonial Magic Overview, Basics Rituals, Theories, Macrocosm and Microcosm, History, Healing and Banishing Techniques, Cabala, Psychic Energy, and More!

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