Queen of moon oracle

Queen of moon oracle


We are moon-influenced animals even if most of us don’t go howling under it. We know the feminine fertility cycle matches the length of the lunar cycle – twenty-seven or twenty-eight days – and that more births occur on full and dark moons. Just as the moon influences tides and other bodies of water, why wouldn’t she influence our personal bodies of water considering we are made mostly of it? Why wouldn’t this effect then influence everything from our weight to our moods, even the growth of the foods we eat since plants are reliant upon moisture levels in the soil?

Within long-held knowledge, it’s believed that the moon impacts our psychic abilities and our unconscious mind (and so therefore our dream states) in a number of ways. The unconscious is the part of the mind that directs us towards our goals and dreams; it’s where ideas pop from and where creativity is based. As it is particularly susceptible to symbology, it can be affected by the power of the constant cycle of the moon.

Queen of the Moon Cards


You can create your own destiny. Be industrious. Every creature on Earth creates. You should welcome the process of creation. Save money and time. Have a reserve.

There is a good reason for the saying ‘busy as a beaver’, for the beaver is truly an industrious animal. Not only do they create sophisticated architectural lodges (their semi-submersible homes), but they change the course of rivers and waterways through strategic damning. They create new environments for themselves and other animals.


Familiarise yourself with how resistance manifests for you, the overt and the covert. If you continue to have doors slammed in your face, turn around; there will normally be an open door. Procrastination is just another kind of fear. Move forward with confidence and persistence.

There are two kinds of resistance. The first type we encounter when we keep getting obstacles placed in our way or our way is blocked. For example, we try to get a particular job in a particular field, but no matter what we do it doesn’t happen. This is external or overt resistance.


Choose to nourish your mind, body and spirit. Feed your values. When you are jealous or envious, it is a sign of what you are actually hungering for. Pay attention to your health.

All of us have a set of values that are as individual as our fingerprints. Sometimes we aren’t sure what they might be if asked, but unconsciously we know. How do we know? Because if our values are not being met or lived, we rebel. We get angry, sad, depressed, irritable or stuck or we take the chaotic choice in our decision-making, and commonly our relationships and life are not harmonious


Seek balance. Extremes of anything are rarely healthy or useful. There may be an over-reaction that has caused the issue. Ground yourself and allow your strength to rise from there. Be aware of where the imbalances in your life are at present.

Working with the lunar cycle on a regular basis helps us actually experience the flow and balance of nature. The moon shows us the gradual and peaceful process of waxing and waning and the phases of perfect balance within. Our bodies, our minds and our human spirit seek balance, yet perfect balance is almost impossible to achieve.

How to Use the Cards

If this deck is to be used for divination, I suggest first you dedicate or bless your cards; I have included a small ritual on page 16 if you do not already have your own in mind. This enlivens the cards and connects you with the energy of the seasons and the moon, and with the intention of the deck itself.

Second, spread the whole deck out on a table or the floor or, better still, the Earth! Breathe deeply and relax. Allow your gaze to soften, and see which cards seem more attractive to you. Which ones jump out at you or call to you in some way?

I call this the pantheon technique. These may well be the moon phases or aspects of the deck that you need to integrate into your life right now, or the themes that can most assist your growth at this time. You will be attracted to them, and the card may almost jump into your hand.

Pay attention to those cards and take action if it is indicated.

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