Fairy Gem deck and book set

Fairy Gem deck and book set


Fairies have been with us forever. Spun of light and shadow, these mysterious beings are timeless nature spirits who belong to the wild and carry all its wisdom and power. They connect us to a vibrant, enchanting world where anything is possible. Gemstones, too, have always held the promise of magic. They’ve been used as amulets and talismans ― called on to protect or heal, to grant clairvoyance and prophecy and travel into other realms. In this 40-card deck, the power of fairies and gems come together through the luminous paintings of Linda Raven­scroft and the book of Oracles by Ellen Steiber. Each card will bring you insight from the world of Fairy. Enter this enchanted realm to befriend the spirits of earth and sky, and to encounter the treasure of your own soul. Includes 204-page illustrated book and drawstring organza pouch.They also recognize their own. Though you may not be able to detect them yet, you have wings. Your psyche is equipped to soar: through your own adventures, beyond your wildest imaginings and into the realm where impossible things happen every day. Discover the power of fire and flight in this special collector’s deck and book set.

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